A downloadable game

Restorce balance to nature in a crumbling, post-apocalyptic world.

This project is still in early prototype stages. This is a very hand-crafted experience. I am building out the early puzzles. 

Partially for my own learning, partially for design reasons, and partially as a games industry resume builder and I am building an engine in Kotlin and Java concurrently. The current name of this engine is "JPXL Z." It is designed to be an easy-to-use game engine for making small 2d games with first-class support for pixel-art programs like Aseprite. I plan on licensing the engine mostly for free, but with some payment tier options similar to unity that allow developers to use the engine without a splash screen. 

I am doing pixel art myself and outsourcing some of the art to Rebecca Harris, an artist. Currently I am doing all of the sound work in BFXR.

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